Blue Jays aren't as bad as you might think

Well known as a bird that steals the eggs of other birds, Blue Jays only get a small percentage of their food needs this way, Blue Jays mostly have a vegetarian diet including acorns, beech nuts, and seeds. Blue Jays also eat grasshoppers, beetles, and catapillars.

Nonmigratory populations of Blue Jays store food (like acorns and other seeds) in bark crevices or in the soil.

source - obtained Feb. 23, 2007

Blue Jay landing on the deck. Feb. 18, 2007.

Blue Jays are approximately 11 inches in length from head to tip of the tail. They have crests on their heads. Blue Jays are capable of making a wide variety of sounds; Blue Jays also produce a remarkable imitation of the scream of a Red-Shouldered Hawk.


source - obtained Feb. 23, 2007




At Left, Blue Jay picking up a peanut, Dec. 10, 2006.