
Soaring pictures taken March 11, 2007

If this is a Turkey Vulture, it will be about 25-32 inches in size with a wingspan of 67-70 inches and weigh about 71 ounces.

While soaring, the turkey vulture holds its wings up in a slight V shape.

The turkey vulture does not have a nest, but puts its eggs (usually 2) directly on the ground in caves, crevices, mammal burrows, hollow logs, under fallen trees, or in abandoned buildings.



A face that only a Mother could love...


Perched pictures taken April 21, 2007 from about 200 ft. away.


The turkey vulture uses sense of smell to locate carrion (dead animals.) The part of its brain responsible for processing smells is particularly large, compared to other birds.


The heightened ability to detect odors allows it to find dead animals below a forest canopy.

source - obtained Mar. 18, 2007








Below: The next pictures show vultures eating the remains of a rabbit hit by a car earlier in the day on June 19, 2008. We were able to get about 15 ft. away from them.

April 23, 2010