"a site where the thirst for knowledge is offered a sip"
Mega (adjective, informal; Very good or very big);
Lore (noun; Traditional knowledge and stories about a subject.)


Adam's App.l.e.

An limited edition application written for Adam!

GREAT Recipes from Weight Watchers and other sources

Dog Rescue

Consider carefully before getting a dog - children will not take care of them (no matter how much they promise) AND dogs have a great deal of energy. Just like children, they tend to get into mischief if they are bored. Dogs live anywhere from 10 to 16 years and they need medical attention, including regular checkups and shots. Do not get a dog if you cannot afford the medical bills and the time that goes along with a dog. Craigslist and the local pound is full of ads for dogs because the humans did not take the full responsibility of having a dog seriously. After careful consideration, if you are ready to be a resonsible pet owner, please consider getting your pet from the local pound or rescue organization. IF YOU CANNOT AFFORD THE ADOPTION FEE OF SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS, THEN YOU CANNOT AFFORD A DOG. You can view area dogs on http://www.petfinder.com

Survival - an adventure unit with web activities WILL BE REVAMPED

Kauffman/Coffman, from Switzerland to Pennsylvania to Tennessee to Texas (and other places).

The Kauffman/Coffman book may be purchased at Lulu.com, find it by searching for Kauffman/Coffman. The book incudes Coffman, Cordi, Kauffman, Kaufmann, McGuffin, Meckley, Rosenberg, Scott, Stout, and others. Coffman family from Texas, Tennessee, Pennsylvania. McGuffin family in Texas, New Mexico. Rosenberg family in Texas.

Joe C. Coffman in World War II with his buddies: CAN YOU HELP ME IDENTIFY THESE WWII EIGHTH ARMY GUYS?


Rosenberg, as far back as Samuel Rosenberg who came to the US from Germany or Austria. Smauel eventually ended up in Hunt County, Tx. Kauffman/Coffman book may be purchased at Lulu.com, find it by searching for Kauffman/Coffman. The book incudes Coffman, Cordi, Kauffman, Kaufmann, McGuffin, Meckley, Rosenberg, Scott, Stout, and others.


Patterson, The descendants of David Patterson from Scotland to Ireland to America has been published and is available for purchase through Lulu.com.

Segers, Tanner, Whatley books to be published in the future. Predominantly from the South: Georgia, Alabama.

I need help from related families to identify old photographs in family albums which were left to me by a relative. Below, I list each album by who owned it and their life span, and potential family names which may be represented in the pictures. I will also list a description for each photo.


The photo album of William Margaret Whatley Tanner (1853-1945), known as Aunt Willie or Granny Tanner. W. M. Whatley was the daughter of Robert Alton Whatley, Junior (his middle name is Alton, not Alston). W. M. received this album as a gift from her daughter (her only child), Annie Tanner Patterson, in 1901. The names which most likely be represented in this album include Ellis, Hunt, McIntosh, Patterson, Stancil, Tanner, and Whatley. The album seemed to have been organized by keeping family pictures together, but this album has passed through many hands...

Click here to view the album.

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Last update: 09-NOV-2022 02:40 PM EST