A learning game
by Vonda

Change in plans
Survival Unit


An unexpected change in plans! Actual news video available (link at bottom of page)

The day was gorgeous, not a cloud in the sky, when, suddenly, the wind began to gust and the skies darkened. The crew of the ship frantically herded the passengers off the deck for safety reasons. You decided to check out the life boats, just in case of emergency. The lightning and thunder were terrible and the ship tossed and leaned frighteningly far from side to side. The ocean waves raised the huge ship up and slammed it down again. The water was pouring over the deck and the crew was clearly concerned. There was talk that the captain had neglected to heed a hurricane warning in the area. The ship pitched and rolled until most of the passengers were sick and the ship's doctor had almost run out of sea-sickness pills.

You were feeling all right, but nervous about the predictament the ship was in. Another rumor swept through the ship that the captain had decided to turn the ship towards Africa in an effort to get out of the hurricane. You decided to go to your room and pack your things so that you would be ready to leave the cruise when (and if) you made it back to Florida. The ship bobbed for a long time, it was hard to tell if it was day or night because the sky was so dark. You tried to lay down to sleep but you kept rolling out of bed because of the violent lurching of the ship.


Unit Objectives
Unit Overview
Our story begins
On the cruise
Change in plans
Click on the film icon (left) for actual footage of the terrible storm.
hear the theme song for Gilligan's Island.

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