Downy Woodpeckers

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Downy female at left

Downy woodpeckers are tiny, usually around 5" head to tip of the tail.

Click this sentence to hear the call of the downy woodpecker

The male downy has a red marking on the back of his head. The female does not have the red.

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At left, Jan. 25, 2007, Downy clinging to a deck rail, surveying the bird feeder situtation.

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Below: Jan. 25, 2007--A Downy just landing on the suet feeder. Notice the pattern on the wings,

Nov. 18, 2006: Male Downy hanging onto suet feeder, looking around.

Left and above, Nov. 18, 2006

Above left: Jan. 25, 2007-Downy male on suet feeder, female cardinal on tree branch in background.

Above: Female Downy and a friend meet for lunch at the suet feeder, Jan. 25, 2007.

Left: Jan. 25, 2007-Female Downy visits the sunflower feeder.