Hairy Woodpeckers

....... Downy ........ Pileated .......... Red-Belly ........ Woodpecker home page ........

male Hairy

Left: Nov. 17, 2006, the male Hairy Woodpecker visits the suet feeder.

Hairy Woodpeckers find their food by feeling the vibrations made by insects moving in the wood. They can also hear the insects munch on the wood.

source: http://www/birds/ Obtained Feb. 23, 2007


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Hairy woodpeckers are 7-10 inches in length (including tail).

The Hairy Woodpecker is attracted to the heavy blows a Pileated Woodpecker makes when it is excavating a tree. The hairy forages in close association with the larger woodpecker, pecking in the deep excavations and taking insects that the pileated missed.

source: http://www/birds/ Obtained Feb. 23, 2007

Nov. 18, 2006, the female Hairy walking up a tree.

March 18, 2007 Female