Vonda Coffman  April 2000

Survival Unit
Unit Objectives
Unit Overview
Our story begins
On the cruise
Change in plans
Trouble is here
Off the ship
On the raft

hear the theme song for Gilligan's Island.


It is an Intermission from the adventure, but a quiz on comprehension. Use a sheet of lined notebook paper to write your answers; complete the activities on this page before progressing. You may go back and review the parts of the story for answers.

1. Based on the information given in the story thus far, what is the date (month & day)?

2. Review the story, list the underlined words(except "list of items"). Write a definition for each word and list the part of speech as used in the reading, i.e.--noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. You may use a dictionary or the internet, but your source MUST be listed.

3. Write a few paragraphs about your cruise, your immediate danger, and how you must feel being in this situation.

When you are finished, hand this assignment in to the teacher and continue your perilous journey by clicking the link below:

Off the Ship