Vonda Coffman  April 2000

Survival Unit
Unit Objectives
Unit Overview
Our story begins
On the cruise
Change in plans
Trouble is here
Off the ship
On the raft

hear the theme song for Gilligan's Island.


After drifting for awhile, you spot something that looks like land.  You grab your paddle item and frantically paddle the raft towards the land.  After hours of paddling, you don't seem to much closer to it.  You wonder how this can be possible.  You decide to rest your arms and think about a way to figure out the distance from you to the island.  While resting, you decide to see which way the water is flowing, so you throw an empty Perrier bottle away from the raft, then pick up your paddle and start towards the land again.  Keeping an eye on the bottle, you realize that the water seems to be going towards the island, but at a slower rate than paddling.  You decide to not put out the paddling effort because you just work up a thirst, so you settle back into your raft to try to nap.

READ ABOUT TIDES IN BOOK #1 or use the Internet to answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, labeled "Tides". List your source(s).

1. What is the cause of tides?

2. What are tides?

3. What is high tide and how often does it occur in 24 hours?

4. What is low tide and how often does it occur in 24 hours?

5. Since the sea was flowing towards the island, what do you think the status of the tide was?

6. From high tide to low tide, what is the lapse of time?

7. Based on your newly acquired knowledge of tides, approximately what time was it when you landed on the island?

FOR EXTRA CREDIT: Use the internet to research a method of determining "..a way to figure out the distance from you to the island." As always: list your source!

Click to continue thinking about your situation